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What Should Be Your Daily Food Intake?

Writer's picture: Marina KMarina K

Updated: Apr 30, 2024

We all know what not to eat: refined sugars, fast food, and white bread. And we know what we should eat: lots of vegetables, fruits, healthy carbs such as grains, and good quality protein (either plant or animal). Every single client of mine knows all of that. So why do so many people still struggle to put their nutrition together? The answer is simple; they must structure their meals and daily routine.

DAY. What our meal plan should look like:

· Three meals a day and two snacks in between.

· Each meal must have a protein

Carbs to Fats chart

· Three servings of vegetables a day (one salad usually has 2 of them)

·Two fruits a day.

· Up to 2 liters of water for a sedentary person. You can read more about daily water intake in our next article.  

MEAL. Your daily meals should look next: 

· 15% should be a protein  

· 30% healthy fats

· 45-55 healthy carbs.

Candle releasing energy

What is the difference between healthy and not healthy carbs?

The best explanation I’ve ever heard is next:

Good carbs such as whole wheat and grains are like a candle; they release energy slowly throughout the day and keep you full for an extended period.

Sparkle releasing energy

Bad carbs are like a sparkler. They release energy fast, and your sugar levels go in zigzags, which affects your insulin levels. Shortly after the energy is out, you will be hungry, tired, and craving energy again. Usually, we call it sugar cravings. That’s why if you eat healthily, you are not supposed to have any sugar cravings.

Good carbs list

What are the healthy carbs you can eat daily?

Sounds simple, right? Now, fill these guidelines with the foods you like, and you are good to go! There are more articles about nutrition, and we will discuss the topic more in-depth.

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